Dr Ajinkya Desale

About Dr Ajinkya Desale
Dr. Ajinkya Desale is one of the best-known orthopedic surgeons based in Nashik. He has vast experience and expertise in the knee, hip, and joint replacement surgeries. He has a specialization in ceramic and golden knee replacement techniques and is well known for using “Minimally Invasive Rapid recovery protocol.”

Dr. Ajinkya’s expert treatment solutions provide ultimate pain relief in joints that hamper daily activities. With over a decade's experience, he is known as the best joint replacement surgeon in Nashik.

His areas of interest include ACL and PCL reconstruction, meniscal repairs, diagnostic arthroscopy, meniscectomies, shoulder replacement, hip replacement, primary and revision knee replacement, sports injury, fractures, and dislocations of major joints, pelvic fractures, etc.

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